For over 30 years, Indian Creek Farm and its staff have worked to develop a show horse facility that is respected, competitive and creates an environment in which you and your horse will thrive. Our reward is our valued list of clients who have been with us for many years. Their friendship is by far our most meaningful compensation. It is our sincerest hope that our newest acquaintances will likewise share and enjoy this sport of showing with us for many years to come.
Below you will find an overview of some of the services we offer. Please contact the farm for a current price list.
Board and Training
Includes stall, bedding, complete feed for a show horse including vitamin supplement and salt block, high quality hay and the best caretakers possible for daily grooming and professional training. Workouts are timed and dictated by the individual horse’s needs and abilities, and each horse is assessed on a daily basis. Depending on the time and experience a horse has had to benefit from training, we judge when each horse can be ready to show and where he would benefit best from showing. Likewise, if a new horse is sent to Indian Creek, we can make a fair and accurate appraisal of a horse’s ability (talent and in soundness) and desire to be show worthy within three months training time. With ninety days professional training, the owner can be advised if the investment is worthwhile to proceed in training, or if it could be better allocated elsewhere.
Board and Training is $34/day and billed at the first of every month for that month. Additional supplements such as vitamin & mineral, vitamin E and selenium or lixotonic, are billed at $15/mo per horse. All others will be billed at cost to meet each individual horse’s needs.
While all work tack such as bridles, saddles, work harness, jog carts and buggies are a traditional part of the professional horseman’s training services, there are some items that are equally traditional as personal effects of the horse. These include the horse’s own halter, blankets, tail set, show bridle, show harness and any other equipment that the particular individual needs that is uncommon to the other horses or that is custom fitted. Needed equipment will be ordered by Indian Creek and billed on your monthly statement. Indian Creek Farm will discuss any large purchases with the customer before buying them.
Shoeing and Veterinary Services
Indian Creek Farm employs the finest farriers and veterinarians in the horse business. For the most part, they will bill you direct. However on occasion, they prefer to bill Indian Creek and then those services will appear on your monthly statement, billed at cost. Indian Creek Farm will also bill for medical treatments performed by our staff, such as deworming, banamine injections, tranquilizers, etc.
The Horse Show Season
Should you have a horse that is ready to go to the horse show, the following will take place:
1. Indian Creek staff fills out your horse show entry blank, stating the classes to be entered. This will require copies of your horse’s registration papers, copies of your required USEF membership as well as AMHA, ASHA, and UPHA cards as they apply. Indian Creek Farm pays those fees and they are reflected and itemized on your monthly statement. Many shows now accept credit cards. There may be some entries that are large in expense and in those instances, we may ask for a credit card number for your entries. Show fees are billed at cost.
2. The number of days “on the road” is determined over a month ahead of time for each horse show. Each horse will be charged $65 per day from the time it leaves the farm to the day that it returns from the show. The “on the road” charge for the New England Regional and any other World Championship show is $90 per day. This “day fee” helps to offset the cost of overtime employees, bedding and feed away from home, and caretaker traveling expenses. Day fees will be charged to your monthly statement.
3. Extra stalls are necessary at the horse show in order to provide the necessary tack rooms, feed rooms, and sleeping rooms for the caretakers who stay with your horses 24 hours a day. In addition, it is customary for the Indian Creek stalls to be appropriately decorated so that your barn area at the show will be attractive and comfortable for all owners and your friends to enjoy the sport. It also provides privacy and a quiet place for your show horse as it rests between classes. Extra tack stalls and stall decoration expenses are prorated among all entries that attend that show under the Indian Creek banner. The charge on your statement reflects your fare share of these expenses.
4. Likewise, any travel expenses incurred by the training staff (hotel or airfare) to attend the horse show is also prorated among all of the entries attending the show.
5. Many shows that you will attend will award prize money. If your horse wins any amount of prize money, those awards can be sent directly to you, or they can be sent to Indian Creek Farm to be credited to your account, at your decision. Horse shows will require a tax id # or Social Security number on all entry blanks when prize money is possible. Please make sure that we have the correct and desired information prior to show season. As an incentive to the training staff for extra work required, we ask that a 10% commission be paid to your trainer for any prize money won over $1,000.
6. At the horse shows, there is a lot of time spent preparing your horse and its tack for its show ring performance. Many supplies such as hoof black, shampoo, saddle soap, ginger etc. are required. A “class fee” of $35.00 will be charged to your statement for each class that your horse is shown in order to offset the expense of all the extra supplies purchased and used through out the show season. Horses may also require body clipping through out the year to achieve maximum turnout. The fee for body clipping is $175.
7. Some shows require entries to be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event and in that time many considerations can be made about your horse. Occasionally a horse might not be ready to show as planned due to illness or injury. While some horse
show fees are non-refundable, some fees can be refunded with a veterinarian’s note stating the horse’s condition. All show expenses incurred by Indian Creek Farm (day fees, travel, decorating, etc.) will be cancelled or credited should your horse not be able to attend the show.
8. Horse transportation is handled by Indian Creek or a professional van company that specializes in the transportation of horses. All charges will be pro-rated by the number of horses traveling to the show, and then billed to your monthly statement. Local hauling is billed at $.75 per mile.
9. Quality caretakers for your horses are very hard to find, and we believe that we employ some of the best in the business. Many of our caretakers have cared for our customer horses for over five years and our employee turnover is very low. Caretakers spend hours with your horse each day attending to their every special need. At shows, they stay with them 24 hours a day to ensure their safety and soundness away from home. They take great pride in the horses assigned to their care, and we encourage you to reward them by tipping them an amount at your discretion at each show. Their dedication to your horse exceeds their weekly salary and we appreciate your help in keeping them a part of our staff.
After Show Season
Depending on the individual horse’s needs and condition, your trainers might decide to “let down” your show horse after the season. If it has been wearing a tail set or bustle all season, it might be removed for the winter and your horse is turned out in its own paddock during the day, brought back in its stall and groomed and put up as it is accustomed at night. This is both relaxing and restful for a show horse’s mind and body. Some horses cannot tolerate being let down, while others thrive on it.
Show horse let down $26/day
As part of our facility, we also offer pasture board to customers for young horses, broodmares or retirees. We have eight different managed pastures for full time turnout. Horses are observed and fed grain twice a day and are given extra hay if grass is deemed insufficient. Routine hoof care, vaccinations, dental care and deworming are also provided and billed accordingly.
Pasture Board $14/day
Our staff at Indian Creek enjoys the young horses very much and many of our clients have their own breeding programs, therefore we offer full service broodmare and foal care. We have qualified veterinarians that handle all breeding work under our supervision, and we also have access to an embryo transfer center located only miles from our farm. As a part of our foal care, all foals are halter broken, learn to lead and stand for the farrier.
Broodmare Care
- Boarding in a stall, turned out during the day, full care w/lights $26/day
- Boarding at pasture with full care $14/day
- Boarding of mare with foal in stall $29/day
- Foaling of mare, including 24 hour watch $300
Stallion Services
At this time, Indian Creek Farm does not stand any breeding stallions. All semen for mares, fresh cooled or frozen is shipped in to Indian Creek Farm. Special arrangements could and would be made if requested.
Any and all sales transactions conducted by a trainer at Indian Creek Farm, earns the trainer a commission of 10%. Horses that are prepared and put through public auction by Indian Creek Farm will be charged “on the road” expenses, plus 5% of the gross price that the horse brings through the auction. The seller pays for this preparation, presentation and commission. Special arrangements can be made on occasion.