from prospects to pairing amateur and juvenile teams for success
from prospects to pairing amateur and juvenile teams for success
Thank you for visiting Indian Creek Farm online. We are excited that you are interested in horses and all of the wonderful opportunities they bring to your life.
Established in 1990 by Russell & Jeanette Quilhot, Indian Creek Farm is home to over 60 registered Morgan show horses. We are located southwest of Fort Wayne, Indiana on 300 acres, which includes the 42 stall training barn, heated indoor arena and two round pens. Outside, there are six fenced pastures with individual shelters and over 100 acres of hay fields and groomed riding trails.
We are a full service facility that provides expertise in breeding, raising, training and selling horses. The farm and many of our clients are known for their successful breeding programs, ensuring that we have strong supply of young horses to develop each fall. We love working with the young horses and we have them to thank for much of our success.
A Safe Place to Learn
Because of our commitment to the industry, we feel that a safe place for children and adults to learn to ride is vitally important. Our riding program is well established with wonderful lesson horses and instructors. We offer riding lessons and driving lessons for children and adults.
Success In All Levels and Disciplines
Indian Creek attends over 10 horse shows each show season, along with beginner riding tournaments during the off season. We have enjoyed success at all levels of competition, from the beginner local shows all the way to the Grand National and World Championships for Morgans and American Saddlebreds. Our resident trainer, Shanna Gish, has over 30 years of experience showing first as a child, then an amateur, and has been a practicing professional for the past 20 years. A recipient of the American Morgan Horse Association’s Professional of the Year Award, Shanna has you and your horse’s best interest at heart and is recognized by the industry for her commitment to this goal. We pride ourselves in our success in all disciplines of riding and driving and have produced teams that have been very successful in both. Our team of experienced trainers, assistants and caretakers compliment our association with the best veterinarians and blacksmiths our industry has available. Rest assured, all horses in our care have access and opportunity to be developed and cared for by an amazingly capable staff.
Take a Tour
Whether you are looking for a show horse or a place to develop your skills or further your horse’s training, our entire staff will do their best to give you the best horse experience possible. Enjoy the rest of the site, but remember nothing compares to your own personal tour of Indian Creek Farm. Contact us today for an appointment.

Indiana Spring Classic
April 6-8, 2023
Shipshewana, IN
Michigan All Morgan
May 26-28, 2023
East Lansing, MI
Gold Cup Regional
June 14-17, 2023
Columbus, OH
Blue Ridge Classic
July 18-22, 2023
Asheville, NC
Jubilee Regional
August 30-September 2, 2023
Springfield, IL
Morgan Grand National
October 8-15, 2023
Oklahoma City, OK